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Inlandsvatten/Inland waters

# Namn Status Sammanfattning
D 4.1-1 Scientific paper: Unmanned aircraft systems help to map aquatic vegetation

Link to paper

Husson et al, 2013

 English summary
D 4.3-1 Benthic diatoms: Manuscript on the use of pelagic phytoplankton and littoral benthic diatom assemblages for detecting changes in resource levels and acidification Submitted manuscript  English summary
D 4.1-2 Scientific manuscript: The response of macrophyte assemblages and metrics to detect human induced change Manuscript

English summary

Svensk sammanfattning

D 4.2-1 Scientific manuscript: Response of phytoplankton assemblages and metrics to detect human induced change Manuscript

English summary

Svensk sammanfattning


D 4.3-2 Scientific paper: Differences in benthic diatom assemblages between streams and lakes in Sweden and implications for ecological assessment

Link to paper

Kahlert and Gottschalk, 2014

 English summary
D 4.4-1 Scientific manuscript: Response of lake littoral invertebrate assemblages to catchment land use Manuscript

English summary

Svensk sammanfattning

D 4.5-1 Report: Monitoring and ecological status assessment of fish assemblages in inland waters WATERS report 2016:6 Svensk sammanfattning
D 4.6-1

Report: WATERS inland gradient study: species by site dataset of biological repsonse variables in selected lakes and streams

WATERS report 2016:5

Data lakes

Data streams

Svensk sammanfattning
D 4.1-3 Comparison of manual mapping and automated object-based image analysis of non-submerged aquatic vegetation from very-highresolution UAS images Submitted manuscript

Svensk sammanfattning

English summary

D 4.1-4 Macrophytes: Section in final report on establishing reference conditions and class boundaries for using macrophyte assemblages in environmental assessment Published as part of Waters final report  
D 4.2-2 Scientific manuscript: Accounting for natural variation when assessing ecological status of lakes using
phytoplankton: comparison of typology and model-based approaches

Svensk sammanfattning

English summary

D 4.2-3 Phytoplankton: Section in final report on establishing reference conditions and class boundaries Published as part of Waters final report  
D 4.3-3 Scientific paper: Similar small-scale variation of diatom assemblages on different substrates in a mesotrophic stream

Link to paper

Kahlert & Savatijevic Rasic, 2015

 English summary
D 4.3-4 Benthic diatoms: Section in final report on establishing reference conditions and class boundaries Published as part of Waters final report  
D 4.4-2 Scientific paper: Establishing reference conditions for lakes and streams: comparison of model- and typology-based approaches Manuscript

Svensk sammanfattning

English summary

D 4.4-3 Benthic invertebrates: Section in final report on establishing reference conditions and class boundaries Published as part of Waters final report  
D 4.5-2 Scientific paper: Uncertainty associated with using freshwater fish assemblages in environmental assessment Manuscript

Svensk sammanfattning

English summary

D 4.5-3 Fish: Section in final report on establishing reference conditions and class boundaries Published as part of Waters final report  


Sidansvarig: Daniel Ruhe|Sidan uppdaterades: 2016-10-31

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